
Three Blocks Off Broadway: Arts/Scene Study


TUESDAYS: MARCH 12 – MAY 21 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM Focusing on the theme of togetherness, we will work on scenes from various Broadway shows with Jordan Bland. For all ages and abilities.

CRS Gotham BBYO Chocolate Seder


REGISTER HERE For Grades 8 to 12  You say seder and we say fill it with chocolate. Ring in the start of Matzah season with more candy then you can imagine.


Hebrew Basics 201: Spring 2024


REGISTER FOR ZOOM TUESDAYS, 7:30-8:30 PM / ONLINE - ZOOM APR 1, 15, 29 / MAY 6, 13, 20 / JUN 3, 10 In our continuation class, we will focus on both solidification of reading skills as well as using these reading skills to learn elements of Hebrew language through central pieces of the Shabbat…


CRS Children’s Choir


REGISTER This is a place for the children of CRS to learn to sing in synagogue. We sing for Shabbat Together, for special holidays, and will participate this year in the first-ever CRS 3 Blocks Off Broadway Musical Revue in June! We will sing together each week through the school year.


United Hearts for Israel Support Group


REGISTER FOR ZOOM LINK Amidst challenging times, finding support and strength in community is invaluable. If you have been affected by the crisis in Israel, we invite you to join…


CRS Adult Ensemble Choir


REGISTER This is a group for CRS members who love to connect through music. We will sing and play instruments together, learning songs that can be used in worship in addition to working toward the first ever CRS 3 Blocks Off Broadway Musical Revue in June!


Discovering Judaism: An Introduction to Judaism

LEARN MORE For those interested in learning more about the foundations of Judaism and Jewish life. Everyone is welcome – interfaith couples, people raising Jewish children, spiritual seekers, individuals considering conversion, and anyone curious about Judaism. The course is broken up into two semesters. Semester A runs from October to January and Semester B runs…