Erev Shabbat Service: Kristallnacht Commemoration


IN PERSON: UPDATED ENTRY PROTOCOLS AS OF NOVEMBER 10. You must fill out our COVID Entry Form before entering the building. Proof of vaccination or a CRS Vaccine Precheck Card is…

Together in Faith Together in Heart


JOIN HERE Email for the password to join. Please join Rabbi Benjamin Spratt and Reverend Micah Bucey as we compare Jewish and Christian wisdom to explore how faith can…

Antisemitism in America: Stories from the Front Lines


REGISTER Join us as we continue our investigation into the roots and manifestations of antisemitism in America. When antisemitism is on the rise, who are the most vulnerable targets? The “visibly Jewish” in our community, Orthodox (Modern Orthodox and Haredi) are disproportionately targeted for physical and verbal attacks. Our esteemed panel, moderated by award-winning journalist…

Shabbat of Service & Meyer W. Nathans Award Presentation


IN PERSON: You must fill out our COVID Entry Form before entering the building. Proof of vaccination or a CRS Vaccine Precheck Card is required to enter, and everyone will need to remain masked while inside the building. This Shabbat we will be presenting The Meyer W. Nathans Service Award which recognizes individuals for their…

Chanukah 5782


Hanukkah Film Festival 2021


VIEW THE LIST OF FILMS + BUY TICKETS Presented by Menemsha Films and Chai Flicks Celebrate the Hanukkah season with eight nights of exclusive, award-winning new films. View them from the comfort of home via your TV, computer or mobile devices. As a CRS member you can purchase your Hanukkah Film Festival tickets for $18…