RSS presents Disney’s High School Musical JR

Schafler Forum (Congregation Rodeph Sholom) 7 West 83rd Street, New York, NY, United States

One of the biggest pop-culture phenomena in recent memory, High School Musical topped the music charts and broke records within weeks of its 2006 Disney Channel premiere. Follow the antics of East…

Youth Group: Best. Day. Ever!


REGISTER For 1st to 4th Grade (CRS members and non-members enrolled in Sholom Adventures) 1st & 2nd Grade: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 3rd & 4th Grade: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Join us for the BEST. DAY. EVER! We will be collecting ideas for what would make up the best day ever and turning that…

Erev Shabbat Service: Confirmation and High School Graduation


This milestone celebration marks the culmination of our 10th graders’ year-long exploration of their Judaism through the Confirmation program and trip to Berlin. Led by our Confirmands, this moving service includes a blessing exchange with the Rodeph Sholom 4th graders, who are just beginning their B’nai Mitzvah journey, and a special blessing for our 12th…