Dirshuni: Women’s Contemporary Midrash


REGISTER It’s no secret that throughout history, the analysis and interpretation of Jewish sacred texts weren’t often open to women. As beautiful as our tradition is, and as deeply imaginative as the sages were—we may never really know what the women who lived centuries ago truly thought. Fortunately, it’s a different story today. Earlier this year,…

Understanding. Transforming. An evening with Roots


REGISTER Hear from the people behind the nonviolence initiative between Israelis and Palestinians. Roots is a grassroots movement building and expanding their network of five local associations of Israelis and Palestinians who are addressing injustice by providing reactive support after acts of violence, advocating against separation, violence, and inequality, and creating openings between religious and…


Hebrew Basics | Intro to Hebrew Reading – Spring Classes


REGISTER Learn how to read in this 8-week introductory course.  We will start at the very beginning, learning the letters and vowels and the mechanics of reading. At the end of the class, students will be fully able to read in Hebrew! The online course will be taught by Melissa De Lowe, founder of Urban Lion…

In Defense of Israeli Democracy: IDF Reservists Speak Out


Join us for a special event to hear from Brigadier General (Res) Roy Riftin, Colonel (Res) Joab Rosenberg, and Colonel (Res) Ophir Bear, who will discuss the upcoming judicial reform and its impact on Israeli democracy. The suggested reform, which many are calling a judicial revolt, will change the balance of powers in Israel by…

Erev Shabbat Service With Special Guest, Gilad Kariv


Our special guest at Erev Shabbat Services is Israeli politician and lawyer, MK Rabbi Gilad Kariv, elected as the first Reform Rabbi to the Knesset and third ranking member in the Labor Party. Rabbi Kariv has a long and distinguished career in public service, having previously served as the Executive Director of the Israel Movement for Reform and…

Democracy in Israel: The Opportunities and Perils of Politics in Israel Today with Uri Keidar


REGISTER This event is for CRS Members Only Executive Director, Uri Keidar, joins us in person from Israel Hofsheet, a non-partisan organization that works to advocate for policy change on issues of religion and state in Israel. Uri will share updates on Israel Hofsheet’s public initiatives and campaigns for religious freedom and the strengthening of…

My Israeli Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Ben Spratt, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday. Let's whip up some Israeli treats including Israeli flag cookies, rugelach, fresh squeezed orange juice, and more!

Pre-neg to celebrate Israel at 75!


Join us for a special Israel-themed pre-neg, in honor of all our new members before Erev Shabbat service. Everyone is welcome to attend.