Walk Against Hate (ADL NY/NJ)

Off Site NY, United States

This summer we're on the move to fight hate in our community! Join us at the Parade Ground in Van Cortlandt Park to move as a community toward a future…

A Comedy Show Fundraiser for Ukraine


REGISTER A group of CRS congregants have organized a comedy show and fundraiser for Ukraine being held in loving memory of Vlad Portnoy z"l -- lover of comedy, Rodeph Sholom,…



Mah Jongg


REGISTER Two Bam! Four Dot! Six Crack! We are all loving Mah Jongg at Rodeph Sholom! About Our Games We offer open play hosted by CRS congregants bi-weekly. Beginners and experienced players are welcome – however, this is not a class; everyone should be able to play on their own (and we’ll gladly help if…

CRS Outings: Mr. Saturday Night


REGISTER Our first CRS Outing of the 2022-23 programming year will take us to Billy Crystal's Broadway Show, Mr. Saturday Night. This new musical comedy is based on Billy Crystal’s original movie about an outrageous and outspoken comedian who found fame in the early days of television. Now 40 years later, he wants a second chance…