Neilah Services


This concluding service of Yom Kippur observance will be held in Main Sanctuary and the Schalfer Forum. For information about High Holy Days, including a full schedule, please visit our High Holy Days website. COVID Policies for this Event: CRS continues to require up-to-date vaccination for entry into our building for everyone ages 5 and up. Up-to-date…

Havdalah on the Street


Join us for Havdalah on 83rd Street For information about High Holy Days, including a full schedule, please visit our High Holy Days website. COVID Policies for this Event: CRS continues to require up-to-date vaccination for entry into our building for everyone ages 5 and up. Up-to-date vaccination status is determined by the number of doses and…

Sprouts Shabbat Together


REGISTER FOR AGES 0-4 | Family Shabbat Dinner & Sing-Along FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $10 per adult / Free for children For children ages Pre-K to 6, register for Family Shabbat Together here.   Our Friday night dinners feed the whole family in every way! Celebrate Shabbat before bedtime with songs, stories, a Sukkot-themed…

Family Shabbat Together


REGISTER FOR GRADES PRE-K TO 6TH GRADE | Family Shabbat Experience FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $25 per adult / Free for children For children ages 0-4, register for Sprouts Shabbat Together here. Everyone is welcome for the Family Shabbat service from 5:30-6:00 PM. The Shabbat Dinner and Family Program which begins at 6:00 PM…

Kabbalat Shabbat Together


Enter Shabbat together with a sweet and spirited Kabbalat Shabbat service. Followed by an Oneg and schmooze. All Ages Welcome. NO RSVP NEEDED Each Friday evening the Rodeph Sholom community joins together to welcome Shabbat in a joyful service of prayer, music, and moments of quiet contemplation. Our Erev Shabbat service is a perfect way…

Sholom Sprouts Sukkah Shake


REGISTER Two sessions for Ages 0-4: 10-10:45am 11-11:45am Each year on Sukkot (a celebration of the fall harvest), Jewish people all over the world build temporary shelters called Sukkahs and…

Sukkot Morning Service


Rejoice in our sukkah with song, lulav, and etrog and then help CRS share our bounty by creating dignity kits as a part of our service packing project. Watch on our website…

BBYO Sukkot


REGISTER For 8th-12th Grades BBYO teen programs are teen driven and teen led to foster fun and connection among teens. For more information check out our CRS Teens page here Please…

Sukkot+: Tribe Sushi in the Sukkah


REGISTER Join Tribe to celebrate Sukkot with some sushi in the sukkah!  Sukkot is a joyful holiday when we gather together to eat meals in the sukkah as a community.…