First Mitzvah Makers (M&Ms) Meeting


REGISTER For Grades 8-12 Mitzvah Makers is a new social action group focused on service and advocacy. Students have the option of being a part of planning and organizing events…

Yom Kippur Food Drive


Many of our fellow New Yorkers experience food insecurity, with over a million struggling to feed themselves and their families. Take action with us by supporting City Harvest through our…

Sprouts Shabbat Together


REGISTER FOR AGES 0-4 | Family Shabbat Dinner & Sing-Along FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $10 per adult / Free for children For children ages Pre-K to 6, register for Family Shabbat Together here.   Our Friday night dinners feed the whole family in every way! Celebrate Shabbat before bedtime with songs, stories, a Sukkot-themed…

Family Shabbat Together


REGISTER FOR GRADES PRE-K TO 6TH GRADE | Family Shabbat Experience FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $25 per adult / Free for children For children ages 0-4, register for Sprouts…

Kabbalat Shabbat Together


Enter Shabbat together with a sweet and spirited Kabbalat Shabbat service. Followed by an Oneg and schmooze. All Ages Welcome. NO RSVP NEEDED Each Friday evening the Rodeph Sholom community…

Sholom Sprouts Sukkah Shake


REGISTER Two sessions for Ages 0-4: 10-10:45am 11-11:45am Each year on Sukkot (a celebration of the fall harvest), Jewish people all over the world build temporary shelters called Sukkahs and welcome friends and neighbors to join them inside for meals and festivities. Be our guest in the Rodeph Sholom courtyard Sukkah to participate in a…

RAC-NY Climate Covenant Bond Act Webinar


REGISTER Join leaders from Reform congregations around the state for a virtual meeting to learn about a proposal on the November ballot and work to fulfill our RAC-NY Climate Covenant.…

CRS Grassroots Grocery Mitzvah Project


REGISTER Here's what to expect: Let's meet at 9 am! We’ll meet at 1957 Turnbull Avenue - just a 20 minute drive from Rodeph Sholom - at 9am. Dan Zauderer,…