Gotham BBYO X CRS Teens Outings: Teens Broadway Night


REGISTER For Grades 8th to 12th Come see &Juliet with us on Broadway! This hilarious new musical flips the script on the greatest love story ever told. & Juliet asks: what would happen next if Juliet didn't end it all over Romeo? This outing is made possible by a generous gift from Marcia and David…

CRS Outings: Tzedek Box Exhibit at HUC-JIR


REGISTER Join Cantor De Lowe for a tour of the "Tzedek Box" exhibit at the Heller Musuem at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion. A new ceremonial object, the…

CRS Outings: A Day of Fashion and History in Brooklyn


REGISTER Join Rabbi Karol and Cantor Iacono to spend the day in Brooklyn beginning with a tour of the Thierry Mugler retrospective at the Brooklyn Museum, exploring the fascinating and…