March Tzedek Circle: How do you speak the truth to people who benefit from obscuring it?


REGISTER Join co-hosts Dena Robinson and Darin Lim Yankowitz for an hour of pre-Purim music, learning, conversation and action in service of the Jewish call for justice. Special guest: Shira Zemel, Reproductive Rights Campaign Co-Chair for National Council of Jewish Women. Special musical guest: the remarkable Ze'evi Tovlev. Register to join Tzedek Circle on Sunday,…

HUC Connect: Compelling Conversations at the Forefront of Jewish Learning


REGISTER Insight Into Awakenings: A discussion with Rabbis Joshua Stanton and Benjamin Spratt and HUC’s Betsy Stone, PhD, about revisioning Jewish practice and connection. Who are the Jews of the present and future? How can we co-create and adapt Reform Judaism? Who are our leaders and supporters? How might seminary education adapt to Jews of…

A Conversation with Scott Fried “Talking to the Creature on Your Walk Home: A Survival Guide for Parents & Grandparents of Teenagers”


REGISTER Explore how to best support our young people as they develop, with author Scott Fried. Scott will address fundamental questions such as how we can show up for our teens and help them thrive—even when we don’t have all the answers. Scott will also offer tips on how to create healthy conversations and practice…

Rabbi Ed Feld Discusses “The Book of Revolutions: The Battles of Priests, Prophets, and Kings That Birthed the Torah”

REGISTER The Torah is truly the Book of Revolutions, born from a military coup (the Northern Israelite revolution), the aftermath of an assassination and regency (a Judean revolution), and a quiet but radical revolution effected by outsiders whose ideas proved persuasive (Babylonian exile). Emerging from each of these were three key legal codes—the Covenant Code…

CRS Outings: Tzedek Box Exhibit at HUC-JIR


REGISTER Join Cantor De Lowe for a tour of the "Tzedek Box" exhibit at the Heller Musuem at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion. A new ceremonial object, the tzedek box enables the ritualization of our acts of justice and helps bring sanctity and beauty to this work. Contemporary artists offer their vision for…

He(Art) and Soul – Candle Weaving: Crafting and Kavanah with Rabbi Mira Weller


REGISTER We will culminate our course with a hands-on crafting event that anyone (artist or not) can do and that is relevant to Jewish tradition. Knetlachlegn is a medieval spiritual practice of weaving candles that Ashkenazi women made for Yizkor. Through the act of gathering and crafting our candles, we will come up with our…

Personal and Spiritual Pathways Through the Psalms


REGISTER Join Rabbi Jacqueline Koch Ellenson for a monthly personal and spiritual encounter with The Book of Psalms, or Tehillim, an ancient book with eternal and contemporary meaning. This text is a multi-vocal collection of poems that holds relevance for every mood and every mode of human existence. All searchers and learners are welcome, independent…


A Gay Reading of Joseph: Seeing Ourselves in His Story with Cantor Stefano Iacono


REGISTER As we look at Parashat Mikeitz through the lens of queer eyes, Cantor Iacono shows us how we may develop a personal lens for reading ourselves in these texts. To ensure his own rise to power, Joseph interprets Pharaoh's dreams, predicting years of prosperity followed by years of famine. In this two-session course, we…


Hebrew Basics 102 — Spring 2023


EMAIL EVENTS@CRSNYC.ORG TO REGISTER  In our continuation class, we will focus on both solidification of reading skills as well as using these reading skills to learn elements of Hebrew language through central pieces of the Shabbat morning prayer service. Our work will both help with comprehension as well as participation in Shabbat services. This class…