December Tzedek Circle: How do we approach the needs of Jewish communities in relation to other needs?


REGISTER Join Tzedek Circle on Sunday, December 11th at 8:00 PM for the next Tzedek Circle. Co-hosts Dena Robinson and Darin Lim Yankowitz welcome special guests Kira Simon of the Anti-Defamation League and Cantor Danielle Rodnizki of Westchester Reform Temple as we ask: How do we approach the needs of Jewish communities in relation to other needs? Live on Zoom at 8:00pm…

Personal and Spiritual Pathways Through the Psalms


REGISTER Join Rabbi Jacqueline Koch Ellenson for a monthly personal and spiritual encounter with The Book of Psalms, or Tehillim, an ancient book with eternal and contemporary meaning. This text…

Sisterhood Text Study: Jurisprudence and Justice


REGISTER FOR IN PERSON REGISTER FOR ZOOM Jewish civilization’s contribution to jurisprudence laid the foundation for Western legal practice and court procedure. Join Sisterhood in a text-based interactive study to…

Awakenings: Transforming Jewish Responses to Interfaith Marriage


REGISTER Join Rabbi Joshua Stanton and Rabbi Ben Spratt, authors of “Awakenings: American Jewish Transformations in Identity, Leadership, and Belonging,” in discussion with 18Doors’ Jodi Bromberg and Rabbi Robyn Frisch,…