Rosh Hashanah 5783 Teen Session


This is a session for teens in grades 7-12, and will consist of discussion, singing, teaching, and worship. For information about High Holy Days, including a full schedule, please visit…

Shabbat Torah Study


COME IN PERSON OR JOIN VIA ZOOM IN PERSON: No registration is required. Proof of vaccination with booster is required and masks are optional. ZOOM: REGISTER This session of Torah…

What the Sailors Teach Jonah: Yom Kippur Text Study with Rabbi Karol


REGISTER The four-chapter Book of Jonah forms the core of the Yom Kippur afternoon service. When Jonah flees God’s call to go to Nineveh he finds a ship headed to Tarshish. The sailors at sea with him model a theology, a humility, and a humanity that contrasts sharply with their prophetic passenger.  The sailors invite…