Transitioning to Holy Space at Home
Every place is a space for prayer, and every moment is an opportunity to encounter the Divine. Rabbinic Intern Vanessa Harper offers these tools to help you transition to a holy space at home.

Creating Sacred Space
Here are ways to to help transition your physical and mental space from ordinary to holy before services.
A New Ritual to Prepare for Virtual High Holy Day Services
This ritual is intended to be performed just before participating in virtual services, in the space where you will be praying. This prayer sheet is designed to accompany the video above.
See also: How to Turn Your Home into a Sanctuary for the High Holidays
Plan A Holiday Menu

Catering Menus
Rosh Hashanah Dinner & CRS Rosh Hashanah Seder – order by September 16
Yom Kippur Break Fast – order by September 23
Please mention CRS when ordering.
Noshes by Sharri
Sweets for the Holidays – 10% of sales will be donated to CRS – order by September 10

Do you know why the challah we serve on Rosh Hashanah is round?
It is thought that the round challahs, because they have no end, symbolize our wish for a year in which life and blessings continue without end. It is also thought that the round shape can reflect the ongoing cycle of years and seasons. Wait, it also resembles a crown which could mean God’s sovereignty, a common theme throughout the High Holy Days. Learn how to shape a round challah and get challah recipes
Avinu Malkeinu | Cantor Rebecca Garfein with J. David Williams
Learn more: The Music of Avinu Malkeinu
Elul Listening – We Return | Curated by Cantor Shayna De Lowe
This is the time of turning and returning–turning to look within and returning to oursevles in preparation for the New Year. Let these songs help your introspection and soul searching.
High Holy Days Liturgical Music
High Holiday Subscription Box

This box is filled with all the goodies you need to help you celebrate the holidays! In it, you’ll find sweet treats, ritual items, meaningful activities, and much more. Buy one for yourself or send one to a loved one as a gift! Boxes purchased after September 10 may not arrive before Rosh Hashanah. For more info and to purchase, click here.
10 Ways to Observe the High Holidays from Home | Micaela Hellman-Tincher
Check out’s resources for home observance of the High Holidays this year.
Have a private moment in the Sanctuary
During the month of Elul, time slots will be made available for those CRS members who are interested in having a short, private moment of reflection in front of the open ark in our Main Sanctuary.
The Shofar Project – An Elul Intensive
Each week of The Shofar Project will focus on a different aspect of awakening and renewal. Once you sign-up, you will receive emails with the links to video teachings and a variety of live online events that explore the week’s theme.
The URJ Reflection Project
Ways to reflect, reconnect, and renew over this year’s High Holy Days. Each activity can be completed alone or with family and friends.