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Shabbat Study Series: Purim|Esther

Sat, Mar 12, 2016 • 12:30 PM2:00 PM

This time: Purim/Esther
You’ve heard the old joke about Jewish holidays, right? Each one celebrates: “they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.” For the past several years, we’ve gone beyond the nosh (though we’ve had that too!) in looking at the core texts of our Festival traditions—the Megillot that accompany these holidays.

This year, we’ll delve deep again…with an added bonus of Chanukah. It’s not a festival, but it’s got some good writing nonetheless. Join us for Shabbat afternoon comestibles, camaraderie, and conversation about these texts.
No prior knowledge necessary, just interest!

Session begins immediately following Shabbat services.

Remaining dates:
April 2: Passover/Song of Songs
June 4: Shavuot/Ruth