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CRS Outings: The Anatomy of a Movie Poster at Poster House

Thu, Jun 27 • 2:00 PM3:30 PM



This event is for CRS members only. Learn more about membership at CRS here.

In a career that spans nearly four decades at three design agencies, Dawn Baillie has worked on some of the most iconic and beloved posters in modern cinematic history. From Silence of the Lambs to Little Miss Sunshine, Dawn Baillie has designed and art directed posters that stand out for their remarkable simplicity and unconventional execution, a reserved and intellectual blend that leaves the viewer curious and eager to see a film. This exhibition chronicles not only her impressive career from junior designer to creative director, but also serves to showcase the evolution of the production of movie posters of the past 35 years, from paste-ups to the introduction of computer technology.

CRS Outings is made possible by a generous donation from Marcia and David Lavipour.

Poster House
119 West 23rd Street
New York, New York 10011