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Adult Ed: Let’s Talk About Sex . . . (in a liberal Jewish way)

Tue, Dec 9, 2014 • 7:00 PM9:00 PM

Eisner Auditorium (Congregation Rodeph Sholom)

Our own Rabbi Lisa Grushcow returns to CRS with The Sacred Encounter: Jewish Perspectives on Sexuality. Tackling the topic of sexuality through a Jewish lens, the book covers a wide range of topics from LGBTQ issues, aging, and infertility, to adultery, online pornography, and bondage. In essays, personal reflections, and 100-word “short takes” by rabbis and scholars, the book is a comprehensive look at past, present, and future expressions of sexual intimacy.

Three of the authors (Dr. Jay Michaelson, Rabbi Daniel Lehrman, and Rabbi Nikki DeBlosi) will join Rabbi Grushcow (the book’s editor) for a discussion of borders, boundaries, and what happens in the bedroom.