(Re)Soul: A New Monthly Shabbat Morning Offering


The name (Re)Soul is a take on the translation of the word “vayinafash" in the liturgical poem, V’shamru, “And we shall be re-souled.” This new monthly service will build on the already amazing traditions of the Chapel service - weaving together music and learning, and helping us to center ourselves and re-soul on Shabbat together! Watch on…

Yom Hashoah: These Are The Names


LEARN MORE This Yom HaShoah, honor the millions of Holocaust victims with an annual overnight reading of names, beginning Monday night at Ansche Chesed and concluding Tuesday nightat the Marlene Meyerson JCC. Congregation…

Gotham BBYO: J-serve/stand up/Days for Girls YL


EMAIL JULIET FIXEL TO REGISTER For Grades 8-12 BBYO teen programs are teen driven and teen led to foster fun and connection among teens. Affiliated with the international movement, BBYO…

My Israeli Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Ben Spratt, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday. Let's whip up some Israeli treats including…

Personal and Spiritual Pathways Through the Psalms


REGISTER Join Rabbi Jacqueline Koch Ellenson for a monthly personal and spiritual encounter with The Book of Psalms, or Tehillim, an ancient book with eternal and contemporary meaning. This text is a multi-vocal collection of poems that holds relevance for every mood and every mode of human existence. All searchers and learners are welcome, independent…

Pre-neg to celebrate Israel at 75!


Join us for a special Israel-themed pre-neg, in honor of all our new members before Erev Shabbat service. Everyone is welcome to attend.

Rodeph Sholom Youth Group: The Shul Where It Happened


REGISTER For 5th & 6th Grades Join us for the ultimate Hamilton and musical theatre themed sleepover, and our our first sleepover in 3 years! We will sing, dance, play…

Yom Ha’atzamut Service and Yom HaShoah Commemoration


As with so many other moments in the Jewish community, we pair the darkness with the light, giving clarity to both our blessings and our responsibility. Join us for a special Erev Shabbat service to celebrate 75 years of the state of Israel and commemorate and honor the memory of those who perished in the Holocaust.…

The Future of Faith: A Dialogue of Hope


REGISTER Join an online panel discussion with Rabbi Joshua Stanton, Rabbi Benjamin Spratt, Simran Singh, The Reverend Dr. Jacqueline Lewis and Rabbi Joui Hessel about religion in America and explore what has changed, what has remained the same and what might become possible in the future. This program is part of the Bronfman Center for…

Sharim Zikaron


An evening of songs and remembrance for Yom Hazikaron, in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terrorism. This event will be conducted in Hebrew. Following a brief ceremony in English, the musical performance will be conducted in Hebrew. A printout with English translation of song lyrics will be provided. In Person at…

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