Coffee with the Clergy

Start your morning with coffee and a light nosh with your CRS clergy outside on 79th ad 84th Streets. COVID Policies for this Event: CRS continues to require up-to-date vaccination for entry into our building for everyone ages 5 and up. Up-to-date vaccination status is determined by the number of doses and boosters recommended for eligible…


Singin’ Swingin’ Shabbat


REGISTER Singin’ Swingin’ Shabbat Saturdays, 9am For children 0-4 years, siblings welcome Celebrate Shabbat with your Sprouts family! Come shake your sillies out at this 30-minute Shabbat sing-along, make happy noise and meet other parents and clergy followed by a nosh and playtime in our mini gym!  Pre-registration required.

Tzedek Circle hosted by Tzedek Box


REGISTER Tzedek Box monthly virtual gatherings are back! Join Sunday, September 18 at 8 p.m. Eastern for a space for music, learning and action opportunities, and a chance to connect and reflect with Tzedek Box users across America. In this season of blowing the shofar, how do you use your voice in a way that people…


BBYO Hangout


For Grades 8-12 BBYO Hangout Nights are casual hangouts to chill, connect and come together. CRS Clergy stops by on select nights to check in with teens and address any hot topics. No registration required. Teens should just show up. If you have any questions please email For more information check out our CRS Teens…


Volunteer with Backpack Buddies


Backpack Buddies is part of our efforts at Congregation Rodeph Sholom to actively respond to the needs of the community. Learn more about Backpack Buddies Join us in the CRS lobby Friday mornings from 9:00-10:00 AM to pack backpacks. No commitment necessary. Come for one week as your schedule allows. Click here to make a contribution to…

Poems, Prayers, and Promises: How to Start a New Year


REGISTER Join CRS college students from around the country on Zoom with Rabbis Ben Spratt and Deborah Goldberg as we prepare to usher in 5783. How do we bring meaning and purpose to starting a new year? How do we stay connected to home when we’re far away? We’ll explore new and familiar texts from…