Rodeph Sholom Youth Group: The Ultimate Cookie Showdown


REGISTER 1st & 2nd GRADES: 10:30 AM-12:30 PM 3rd & 4TH GRADES: 1:30-3:30 PM Join the creator of This Needs Hot Sauce, Abigail Koffler, for an epic day of baking and decorating. Lunch will be provided. For more information about Rodeph Sholom Youth Group (RSY) check out our RSY page here Please email with…

Gotham BBYO Kindergarten Night


REGISTER For Grades 8-12 All are welcome to join us for a night of crafts, games, and a trip down memory lane. Dinner will be provided. BBYO teen programs are teen driven and teen led to foster fun and connection among teens. Affiliated with the international movement, BBYO also hosts a number of regional events…

Havdalah and Hamantaschen Playtime


REGISTER Whip up a batch of your favorite hamentaschen and play in our indoor playspace as we get ready for Purim! This event includes pizza, crafts, and more. See you…

My Passover Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Juliana Karol, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to get ready for Passover! Children and parents will whip up some…

Gotham BBYO: Passover Chocolate Seder Program w/ Chaverut


REGISTER Join Gotham BBYO for a seder full of chocolate and candy! For Grades 8-12 BBYO teen programs are teen driven and teen led to foster fun and connection among teens. Affiliated with the international movement, BBYO also hosts a number of regional events that take place regularly throughout the year including leadership development workshops,…

My Israeli Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Ben Spratt, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday. Let's whip up some Israeli treats including…