
Mah Jongg Beginners Class


REGISTER If you’ve always wanted to play, now is the time! An introduction to American-style Mah Jongg for the brand new player or those looking for a refresher. Classes meet for three consecutive days and the participants are invited to join our bi-weekly Mah Jongg game on the fourth day. Participants are asked to commit…

7th Day Passover Yizkor Service


COME IN PERSON OR JOIN VIA ZOOM IN PERSON: No registration is required. Proof of vaccination or a CRS Vaccine Precheck Card is required to enter, and everyone will need to remain masked while inside the building. ZOOM: REGISTER With Rabbi Karol and Cantor Iacono Hear memorial liturgy and congregant reflections on what mourning teaches…

Erev Shabbat Service | Yom Ha’Shoah Commemoration


Evi Blaikie will share with us her experience as a "Hidden Child" during the Holocaust and tell her unique story of survival. IN PERSON: No registration is required. Proof of vaccination or a CRS Vaccine Precheck Card is required to enter. Our doors are once again open for Erev Shabbat services in the Main Sanctuary. Members…

Sharim Zikaron: Yom Ha’zikaron Remembrance Event (In Hebrew)

Off Site NY, United States

REGISTER Join us in-person at the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan for an evening of songs and remembrance for Yom Hazikaron in memory of Israel's fallen soldiers and civilian victims of terrorism remembering through Israeli mellow songs. The event is in partnership with JCC Manhattan Sonabend center for Israel.