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Rosh Hashanah Teen Experience

Thu, Oct 3, 2024 • 9:45 AM11:00 AM



Please join us for an interactive Rosh Hashanah experience where teens are invited to look at the High Holiday text with one central question: Who is in Control? Throughout our service led by Rabbinic Intern Mikey, Louie, and Juliet, teens will be able to lead prayers as we discuss how God, fate, and manifestation come into play when discussing having our names written in the Book of Life. The teen experience can serve as a teen’s entire high holiday experience, or a thought session prior to joining the larger community worship services. Breakfast will be provided.

This event is open only to teens who are members of Rodeph Sholom or CRS Gotham BBYO. To learn more about teen membership, email Juliet Fixel at jfixel@crsnyc.org.

Looking for High Holy Day services for adults? Learn more here.

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