
Mom’s Morning – Series One | Israeli Hug Center at Rodeph Sholom


REGISTER A group for moms with infants (0-1 year old) to build community and address infant development challenges, led by a social worker and various child development specialists. SEP 6, 13, 20, 27 NOV 1 NOV 8 9:30-11:30 AM $40 per session. Stand alone registration. About The Israeli Hug Center at Rodeph Sholom The Israeli…


Personal and Spiritual Pathways Through the Psalms

IN PERSON & ZOOM 7 W 83rd Street, New York, NY, United States

REGISTER This class is offered with an online option. Please register here to join via Zoom.  Rabbi Jacqueline K. Ellenson has been leading an insightful and contemplative journey through the Book of Psalms for over seven years. This treasure of biblical literature contains expressions of all human experience, searching for God’s presence, struggling with God’s…

Erev Shabbat Service / Kristallnacht Commemoration


November 8-9 marks 86 years since Kristallnacht, The Night of Broken Glass, an anti-Jewish pogrom perpetrated by the Nazis and their sympathizers. With strength and solemnity, we will honor the legacy of this history and its painful reverberations today. Share Shabbat with family, friends—old ones and new—and community. Join us for meaningful Shabbat worship, study…

Lay-Led Torah Study


REGISTER FOR ZOOM “Turn it and turn it, for everything is in it.” (Pirkei Avot 5:26) In its many years of existence, our Torah study group has found this teaching to…


Singin’ Swingin’ Shabbat


REGISTER Experience the joy of Shabbat with Sholom Sprouts every week! Beginning June 1, join us on our brand new terrace and rooftop playground! Begin your Saturday morning with a 25-minute sing-along filled with dancing, jumping and storytelling. Bring your appetite for bagels, kid-friendly nosh, and, of course, challah! You won’t want to miss playtime in…


Family Volunteer Days at WSCAH


REGISTER West Side Campaign Against Hunger invites CRS members to volunteer during one of their special family activities in November. We will pack food and write cards for our customers to brighten their holidays with healthy groceries and heartfelt messages. Individuals ages six and up are welcome to participate. If you have any questions please…