Singin’ Swingin’ into Passover with our Grandparents & Special Friends


REGISTER Come shake your sillies out and get ready for Passover at this Passover themed Singin' swingin' Shabbat! Grandparents and friends are especially invited to this event where we'll be creating our own seder plates! Bagels and playtime to follow. Pre-registration required.

My Israeli Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Ben Spratt, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to celebrate Israel's 75th birthday. Let's whip up some Israeli treats including Israeli flag cookies, rugelach, fresh squeezed orange juice, and more!

Gap Year Information Session


REGISTER Are you thinking about taking a gap year before starting college? Now more than ever, high school students are thinking intentionally about gap year programs. All high school students…

Sholom Sprouts Shabbat Dinner and Sing Along


FOR AGES 0-4 | Sholom Sprouts Shabbat Dinner & Sing-Along FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $10 per adult / Free for children For children ages Pre-K to 6, register for Family Shabbat Together here REGISTER Celebrate Shabbat before bedtime with songs, stories, and crafts in celebration of Israel's 75th birthday! Join us for pizza, cupcakes,…

May Family Shabbat Together


FOR GRADES PRE-K TO 6TH | Family Shabbat Dinner & Sing-Along FREE FOR MEMBERS | Non-Members: $18 per adult / Free for children For children ages 0 to 4 register for Sholom Sprouts Shabbat Dinner and Sing-along here REGISTER Welcome Shabbat at our Family service then help us throw a fun Birthday Party for Israel’s…

A Toast to the Teens


REGISTER This event is open to all teens and parents of teens currently in 7th-11th grade.  Hosted by Juliet Fixel and the CRS Clergy & Education Staff Join other parents and teens to learn about all of the exciting teen opportunities for the 2023-2024 year. There will be a toast, appetizers, games, live music, and…

My Shavuot Cooking Adventure


REGISTER For ages 3 to 5 w/ a Grown-up Join Rabbi Ben Spratt, Lisa Schiff, and Marcia Stein to get ready to celebrate Shavuot, which marks the giving of the Torah! It is customary to celebrate this holiday by indulging in foods that contain milk. We'll whip up a batch of blinzes and enjoy an…

Shavuot Ice Cream Havdalah and PJ Library Book Swap


REGISTER Join us for a Havdalah singalong in honor of Shavuot that marks the giving of the Torah! There will be sweet treats, Torah-themed crafts and playtime on our outdoor play space. Bring the PJ Library books your family has outgrown, and swap them for new additions to your personal library. New to PJ Library?…

WSCAH Rocks the Block


86th St. b/t West End Ave. & Riverside Dr. A fun-filled day where you can make an impact REGISTER West Side Campaign Against Hunger (WSCAH) is excited to host our second annual block party! We look forward to seeing you on May 21st to get further involved with your local neighborhood, support a good cause,…