CRS Outings: “The Sassoons” at the Jewish Museum


REGISTER The exhibition highlights the Sassoon family’s pioneering role in trade, art collecting, architectural patronage, and civic engagement from the early 19th century through World War II through over 120 works—paintings, decorative arts, illuminated manuscripts, and Judaica—amassed by family members and borrowed from numerous private and public collections. Highlights include Hebrew manuscripts from as early…

“Envisioning the Song of Songs” with Summer Rabbinic Resident Arielle Stein


REGISTER Is the Bible's greatest love poem literal or allegorical? Explore this question through a Beit Midrash style workshop focusing on the Song of Songs. This 90 minute workshop will feature discussion of biblical text, poetry and visual art as well as creative interpretation through drawing. No background in the Song of Songs or artistic…

CRS Book Club: I Was Better Last Night: A Memoir


REGISTER I Was Better Last Night: A Memoir by Harvey Fierstein Book Club gathers once a month to discuss literature (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or plays) written by a Jewish author…

Torah Café: Coffee and Commentary


REGISTER Torah Café: Caffeine & Commentary (In-Person with a Zoom option available beginning in November) Nourish your mind, body and soul at our interactive Torah learning with clergy and fellow…

POSTPONED: Windows into Israel – A Night of Israeli Short Films


<!-- REGISTER --> This event has been postponed to a later date. We invite you to attend 'Israel at War: A Night of Solidarity in Learning, Prayer, and Action' in its place on TUE, 10/10 at 7:30 PM. REGISTER HERE Israeli cinema grants us a window to different perspectives and diverse life experiences in Israeli…